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Discipline & anti-ragging measures

Smooth induction of freshers, stringent anti ragging measures & self-regulating discipline measures are in built into the system & implemented. High level Discipline & Anti ragging committee shoulders this responsibility. To ensure discipline, the college makes positive & constructive rather than negative & destructive efforts. Intention is to induce self-discipline, self-restraint & self-regulation.

There are strict disciplinary guidelines pertaining to : vision

  • Code of conduct / behaviour
  • Ragging
  • Activities that tarnish the image of the college
  • Anti-social and anti-college activities
  • Hostel stay
  • Attendance & mass bunking

Anti-ragging measures

  • Government / University Anti-ragging guidelines are strictly implemented.
  • College views ragging as a double crime- an act of indiscipline, violation of core ethics violation of human rights. Hence, takes strict action against the offenders.
  • In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging.
  • Ragging is a criminal offence as per the Supreme Court verdict. It adversely impacts the standards of higher education. So it is mandatory to implement anti ragging measures and monitoring measures in every college.
  • Fresher means a student who has been admitted to an institution and who is undergoing his / her first year of study in such institution.

What constitutes ragging

  • Government / University Anti-ragging guidelines are strictly implemented.
  • College views ragging as a double crime- an act of indiscipline, violation of core ethics violation of human rights. Hence, takes strict action against the offenders.
  • In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging.
  • Ragging is a criminal offence as per the Supreme Court verdict. It adversely impacts the standards of higher education. So it is mandatory to implement anti ragging measures and monitoring measures in every college.
  • Fresher means a student who has been admitted to an institution and who is undergoing his/her first year of study in such institution.


1. Convener Dr. N. L. Gowrishankar
2. Co-Convener Dr. A. Sumathy
3. Co-ordinator Dr. Sengottuvel.T
4. Member Dr. Selvaraju.K
5. Member Dr. Sivakumar.P
6. Member Dr. A. Sumathy
7. Member Mr. Shyam S. Kumar
8. Member Mr. Mohammed Harish. A
9. Member Mrs. Deborah Evangeline
10. Member Mrs. Aiswarya A. T
11. Member Mrs. Shantha Sheela. N
12. Member Mrs. Jyothi. A